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Showing posts from October, 2017

Class final in progress

So today I started working on my final for my emerging media class. I built a business page on Facebook for my cakes which was a little strange for me to see. I never planned on making my baking into a business, I still don't really, but it is fun to entertain the idea. Today is also the anniversary of this cake, this is probably my favorite cake that I've ever made, partly because there is a cheesecake in the middle 😀

YouTube Week

This week we worked on YouTube. Now I use YouTube all the time to watch videos and my kids love to use it to watch wheels on the bus and those weird videos where people open the eggs and see what's inside. However, I have never posted anything on YouTube before. Whenever I think of posting to YouTube I just think Justin Bieber and think no further. So I made a profile. My picture is me in a baking shirt and background picture my latest cake. I did make the mistake of filming my first two videos vertically instead of horizontally so the next video I will be more mindful of that. I put my videos into iMovie and added some transitions and some words here and there. This assignment has been challenging for me because it's a few things I have not done in awhile. It was a nice refresher in iMovie as well as a lot of good information in YouTube. For my review I am hoping to review either a recipe or a local bakery, depending on how motivated I feel to bake this week 😂😋

Candy Box Cake

My sons elementary school had a carnival to raise money so I made a cake for the cake walk. Apparently it was a fan favorite and got auctioned off for money instead which is quite a compliment! Candy box cakes are so easy to make and so much fun!

QR Codes

This week we worked with QR codes in class.  This was my code: This code links to the website of the event coordinator that I am currently working for. I chose to do a flyer for her because I thought it would be good practice. I think that QR codes are extremely interesting and a very good idea. Something that you can just scan and have all the information come up instantly without having to search or go through a lot of different information. After finding out the the Twitter app has a QR code scanner built in, I have been scanning any QR code that I come across. Our professor set up an assignment in class that was a QR code treasure hunt. She taped up QR codes, each of which came up with a different link. Some were videos and some were photos. It was fun because something so simple, a black and white code, held secrets that we were excited to find out about. I think that is one of the nice things about these codes, keeps people excited, interested, and wanting to find ou

Technomic Reports-Desserts Are on the Rise

Many people these days are quick to talk about their obsession with kale, quinoa, and zoodles. What many seem to fail to mention is their love for desserts. All those beautiful cakes, cookies and pastries. While they may not be talking about these scrumptious treats, they are definitely succumbing to them, as consumption of desserts seem to be quickly rising. Technomic , a company known as “the food industry research specialist” recently released their 2017 Dessert Consumer Trend Report*. Their report, based on a survey of 1,500 consumers in the United States, showed that people are changing the way that they look at and think about desserts. More and more people are planning events and occasions around desserts and people who are between the age of 18-34 are more likely to go to a specific place to eat a meal because they are intrigued by what the restaurant has to offer for dessert. Techmonic also observed that 32% of consumers eat dessert after a meal at leas


Snapchat was the flavor of the week this week. I had never used Snapchat before so I had to download the app, yeah, that's how out of the loop I am! Snapchat was interesting to me, it seems simple which was very nice for me! I understood pretty well and pretty quickly what I needed to do. Click to take a photo and hold to record a video! Perfect. I made a  Lemon Loaf Cake for the Snapchat story. Took a mix of photos and short videos. I got them all together and added some captions, and there was a story! I love when I understand something 😂. I am also writing an article for class about how dessert consumption is on the rise. I find this very interesting because so many people these days are trying to be more health conscious, yet desserts are being consumed at a much faster rate. I love it though. Desserts are always amazing!!

Reeses Cake

I was in the mood for a Reeses Cake this weekend so I made one, what better reason right? Dark Chocolate Fudge cake with peanut butter frosting, dark chocolate ganache and Reese's with Reese's Pieces. Nothing says love more 💕

It's begining to look a lot like.....

It's that time of year again! The time of year when I get to bake and bake and bake and then wrap it up for a gift.  I love this time of year. Cookies Cakes Breads Pies and every other baked good The pumpkin bread recipe that I posted before was used for this, subbed out pumpkin for banana. It was wonderful!  Happy October everyone! Get your ovens going many more recipes coming your way 🎂🍞

Halloween Cake

It's October! That means it's time for cake! Well it's always time for cake but this cake is just for October. Now I think candy corn is disgusting, I do fall into that category, but I thought it looked pretty on the cake. I did throw out the candy corn on my piece before I ate it, but it looked nice  😆


This week in class we learned about Instagram. I have to say, I am not an Insta fan. Maybe I just need to learn more about it, kind of like Twitter.I made a new account for class and got all logged in on my computer, but, uh oh, you have to have the app to actually post on there. Well, that's ridiculous isn't it? Yes. Yes it is. So I got logged in on my phone. The nice thing was, I did not have to log out on my profile, I could simply add another and switch between them. This was nice. I got a photo I liked which I felt worked with the story. I made my post. Apparently linking an article in an actual post is a no, no so I added the link to my profile page. I don't know if I am old, or if I'm just crazy, but I am not a big Twitter or Insta fan. I do enjoy using Insta to daydream over pastries and coffee drinks, not as much for posting information.


It's cold. Very cold. So what better to do then bake cookies?! There is nothing better I am telling you. So I have this cookie recipe that is incredible! I kid you not its amazing. Most requested one that I have. I had to grab a picture from the actual creator of the recipe because hers are just so much prettier than mine are! Thank you Sally's Baking Addiction for this amazing Chocolate Chunk Cookies . You have to try this one people, you'll be hooked for life!