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Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Post 2

After reading the Chapter 2 reading, "Comparing Digital and Analog Media", I started browsing other baking blogs. I clicked on this link 12 Best Baking Blogs , and started looking through all the different blogs. I started looking at the "Improving Credibility" section on pg 39 and then going back to the blog, looking at how the blogs did with the different elements on the list. The first blog on the website is is The Vanilla Bean Blog . When the page opens up you see a simple white background, some tabs on the top, the name of the page on the right hand side and a large picture front and center. The page was easy to navigate and there were nice photos on the page. There were many links under one of the tabs which lead to other pages as well as information about the bloggers cookbook and FAQ's. There was no obvious contact information on the page, but with all the links and tabs it could have been missed. I struggled greatly with content, I feel that part is v

Blog Post 1

While I am sure I read some blogs here and there, I am not an avid blog reader or "blogger". A part of me feels like so many people, especially Stay At Home Mom's, have a blog about everything from how to potty train to how to only feed your kids organic food. I feel like I won't be saying anything that many moms, or people, have not said before so I have not bothered to start one. I found many things in this weeks readings interesting, especially since my knowledge of blogs is quite small. The reading mentioned the different thoughts that people can have about bloggers and whether they are or are not journalists. It seems to me, from the reading as well as small pieces I've picked up here and there, that blogging and journalism are merging more and more as technology takes a leading role. Another piece of the reading I found very interesting was the piece on how to write a paragraph. I found it especially interesting that, when reading the article, when I g

Past Cakes

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Nikki and I am a mom of 2 that loves to bake! I love to bake everything from cookies, to cupcakes, to breads. My passion, however, is cake! I LOVE CAKE! Baking cake is awesome and decorating cakes it is really fun, but there is nothing quite as amazing as eating a slice of cake. I'm pretty convinced that the person who said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" never had an awesome slice of cake. :)