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Showing posts from November, 2017

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality was the topic of the week this week. I had never worked with this before and I find it fascinating! When I thought about virtual reality I always associated it with gaming. I had seen those commercials on TV with people staring into a small box holding their phone, freaking out about how "cool" or "awesome" something was. To be honest, it is a bit ridiculous watching someone with those, since you cannot see what they are seeing. When our professor brought some to class and I took a look I understood why people thought it was so cool. Looking through those and being able to turn one way and another, with the image changing, is pretty cool! Then, today in class, a fellow student showed us what they use virtual reality for. They have a camera at her work which makes online 3D models of houses which are being sold so you can take a virtual tour. I had never stopped to think about how those online 3D models are made. Listening to her explain the wor

Facebook Live

So this week I did an interview on Facebook Live. All I can say about that is 😡😩😬 I am friends with the owner of U Top It frozen yogurt up in Orchard Mesa. She agreed to take some time to meet with me and let me interview her over Facebook live. I wrote up my questions, got there in time, connected to they wifi, blah, blah, blah. I made sure the WiFi was working I checked. I checked again. It was good. I got on Facebook, pulled up live, and we started. Good questions, good conversation. We got about 8 minutes in. It crashed. It saved less than two minutes of my interview. I now am super upset about it. She runs her business by herself and had to get back to work, so I was not able to recover that time that was lost. We went through my questions again, in a quicker fashion. This photo was taken while we were interviewing though, so that is nice. This may have turned me off from live forever, or at least for awhile to sound less dramatic about it. 😂

Practice makes perfect!

So my sons 4th birthday is coming up. We're throwing him a party at Chuck E Cheese.  Oh Boy. I love to see my son happy, as does every mother, but Chuck E Cheese still makes me cringe a bit. Ok, a lot. But I am going to make him his cake of choice. He has a very hard time making decisions, something he gets from me. (Sorry Kiddo!) But, he has finally chosen. A blue and orange cake (like the Broncos!) with candy on the top. Lots of candy, and lollipops, not small ones big ones. Kids are very particular. I found this cake video on Facebook and it had a method that I wanted to try, so I made a cake last night. No direction and no thought behind it besides-practice. I came out with a watermelon cake 😂 The method was to put different colors of cake batter into piping bags and pipe alternating dots around the pan. I thought it turned out pretty well and will use the method for his cake. And the watermelon frosting, well, that just kind of happened 😂

First Podcast

Here is my first podcast!  It took many times recording and a lot of messing around in Garage Band. I have not used Garage Band in a long, long, long time so there was some google involved not going to lie! I have not perfected it yet but hopefully it's decent! 

Podcast Time

This week we worked on podcasts in class. This was not the best for me because I hate my voice, I mean burning passion hate to listen to it. I wrote a script on an article that I had written for the school paper last semester about Baker's Boutique, a local Grand Junction bakery. After I did my first recording I went back to listen. There were quickly 3 redos with speedy delete button pushes after each one. (Only one of which was because of noisy kids in the background 😂😂) I still have not been able to bring myself to save one, but I'll get there!